Welcome to our exciting 3-day academy program! We're thrilled to have you here and can't wait to dive into the fascinating world of parenting.
Our founders, Mojca Stonič and Tjaša Kočevar, have been working within the framework for many years, educating both children and adults. With their concept, they have behind them thousands of individuals and families who have found a new, more successful path in their lives.
Mojca Stonič
The Psychotherapist Extraordinaire
Are you tired of carrying the weight of past traumas and struggles?
Look no further!
Meet Mojca Stonič, the psychotherapist with over 20 years of experience specializing in resolving childhood and adulthood traumas, depressive states, burnout, and perplexing physical illnesses that even baffled medical professionals. She has mastered the art of connecting the dots between the mind and body, blending neuroscience with various psychotherapeutic approaches.

Mojca's therapeutic repertoire goes above and beyond traditional methods.
She seamlessly incorporates Transactional Analysis, Relational Integrative Psychotherapy, Core Energetics, and even techniques employed by US Marines for post-traumatic stress. By leveraging her extensive knowledge of neuroscience and effective energy approaches, including treatments by Wilhelm Reich, Zdenko Domančić, Barbara Brenner, and Nikola Tesla, she has developed a groundbreaking concept that brings unparalleled speed and effectiveness to problem-solving and healing.
Her therapies are rooted in understanding why we are the way we are, backed by decades of experience working with diverse clients. Mojca’s keen insight allows her to swiftly identify the impact of parental behavior and beliefs on a child’s personality development. Working with parents, she guides them towards necessary changes in their upbringing style to ensure their child’s well-being and growth.
Tjaša Kočevar
The Parenting Guru
Introducing Tjaša Kočevar, the Parents life coach with an extensive background in research, therapies, and education on infant development, children’s growth, and the crucial dynamics of parental patterns.
Tjaša’s journey began in London, where she delved into the world of infant touch and massage through the esteemed IAIM organization, becoming a certified infant massage and primary touch instructor (CIMI).

Tjaša Kočevar's mission is to empower you to reclaim your true self and extend that authenticity to your children, organically fostering their growth through play, joy, and continuous learning.
Drawing on her wealth of knowledge in optimal physical and social development of infants and children, Tjaša has honed her unique approach over 15 years, covering all stages of child and parent development. She firmly believes that a well-rounded child, both physically and emotionally, holds the key to becoming a confident, self-assured adult who fearlessly expresses themselves.
In our complex world, Tjaša understands the challenges faced by parents. With patience, understanding, and unwavering support, she acts as a beacon of guidance and inspiration. Her teaching style is characterized by clarity, empathy, and a touch of wit. Tjaša effortlessly imparts knowledge without imposing, creating an environment where new and diverse ideas are embraced.
Tjaša Kočevar’s mission is to empower you to reclaim your true self and extend that authenticity to your children, organically fostering their growth through play, joy, and continuous learning. As responsible parents, we hold the power to shape the world for our children, and Tjaša is here to help you embrace that responsibility with open arms.